English translation for "connecting tube"
- 导管。
Related Translations:
connect: vt.1.连接,接合,连接。2.使有联系,为…接通电话。3.联想。短语和例子two towns connected by a railway 由铁路连接的两个市镇。 The telephone operator connected us. 话务员给我们接通了电话。vi.连通,连接,衔接,连续 (with)。 This pipe connects with a smaller connected: adj.有联络的,联系着的;连续[贯]的。 connected ideas 连贯的思想。 a connected plan 通盘计划。adv.-ly ,-ness n.
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The end of the connecting tube is sealed with a flame . 连接管的末端用火焰密封。 | | 2. | Line connected tube wiring 同时测量全部管脚 | | 3. | The anesthetic connecting tube was immediately disconnected and the tracheostomy tube replaced 在立即移除麻醉连接管,以及重新置放一个新的气切管后,完成预计之手术。 | | 4. | In accordance with the surface area of the piston , the force acting on it is transferred to the hydraulic fluid and from there via the connecting tube to the measuring instrument 根据活塞的表面积,作用在活塞上的力传递到液压油,然后从那里通过连接管到达测量仪器。 | | 5. | In accordance with the surface area of the piston the force acting on it is transferred to the hydraulic fluid and from there via the connecting tube to the measuring instrument 根据活塞的表面积的大小,作用在活塞上的力转移到液压油,然后从那里通过连接管到达测量仪器。 | | 6. | Abstract : the paper introduces a kind of method of connecting optimal design of the hydraulic manifolds and establishes the mathematical model based on the constraints of fluxing area and distance between the connecting tubes in the manifolds . a kind of algorithm is provided at the end of it 文摘:介绍了一种液压集成块孔道优化设计方案,建立了以通流面积和壁厚为约束条件的数学模型,并给出了相应的算法。 | | 7. | Isolation : when the measured medium is the matter that is easy to freeze , pour the isolation liquid such as glycerine , antifreezer into the connecting tube to insolate the measured medium and pressure gauge from freezing . at this time , the pressure gauge damp , isolation connecting pipe tube as an isolation vat , but it has low price and excellent function 2隔离:被测介质为易冻易凝物质时,在接管内注入隔离液如甘油防冻液等可起到将被测介质与压力表相隔离并防止冻凝的作用此时,压力表减震隔离接管相当于一个隔离缸,但其价格之低功能之优是隔离缸无法比拟的。 |
- Similar Words:
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